BI and BA Solution

Business Intelligence and Analytics Solution

The Business Intelligence (BI) used to collect, integrate, analyze and present a business’s information or data. Its purpose is to provide businesses with information used in decision-making and to make more sense of information that a business already has.

Business Intelligence solutions provide business users with historical, current and predictive ideas of how to operate a business effectively. It collects its information from briefing books, reports of businesses, query tools and executive systems that have information regarding the business. Business Intelligence supports and provides better decision making for a business

Business Analytics are the technologies, skills and activities used in exploring and analyzing past business datasets and information for making decisions. It is based on developing insights and use of statistical methods for business planning. The methods are used to analyze a business’s past performance and activities for improving the current situation of a business.

How BI helping Enterprises

BA Applications

Business Intelligence tools are used to access and analyze datasets. The analyzed datasets are then used in making of reports, summaries, charts, and graphs that provide information on the state of a business. DASGlobTech BI Solutions helping Enterprises in Measurement, Analytics, Reporting, Collaboration and Knowledge Management.

Business Analytics uses statistical methods and analyzing of past and present information; a predictive method used in making decisions. Business Analytics applies some of its methods as in management science. Business Analytics answers questions of why and what something is happening, what trend are available and prediction answers are given.

Key Element

Next Step

Work with your Business & IT Communities and forge a common understanding of risk and challenges are, construct a vision for future, and articulate compelling value propositions from both business and IT perspectives is a Key Element.

Once specific analytical goals and methods have been identified, we develop and implement appropriate data structures – taking into account the type of data required as inputs to the various analytical techniques and the format required by the specific tool or tools our clients will be using.